
Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hey everyone! I must apologize for breaking my promise to write a blog every night. I have been so exhausted lately and I think that's partially do from my insane schedule and because I haven't been exercising. I have been so busy lately with school & work it's not even funny. I've been going to bed between 9pm-11pm. Usually by 10 I'm laying down and about to fall into a dead sleep. I love it, I mean my classes are great, I started observing today in Hillside, and work, well I wanted 30 hours! It's just tough.... and by not exercising it's not exactly helping me. I know that if I find the time to exercise I'll feel 10x better and alot more energized.... so tomorrow morning when my alarm goes off at 6am let's hope that I wake up!!!!

Besides that I realized yesterday that the reason why I've been feeling like crap is because I was eating alot of cheese and didn't even really pay any mind! I'm lactose intolerant so eating alot of cheese hurts my stomach. I felt nauseous and stuff but today I ate better.  Lunch is so hard for me.... right now I'm bring cheese, pepperoni and crackers for lunch.... i'm just so damn picky when it comes to that meal!!!! 

But anyway, I will try my best to keep motivated, to post daily blogs, exercise and eat smart. Before I end tonight's blog (which I know is somewhat boring tonight... sorry guys!) I just wanna say congrats to my friend, Ashley who joined me on this journey.... she lost 3 pounds last week!!!! I didn't weigh in on Friday but I have to stop denying it. The number won't lie and I just gotta suck it up and look at it.... hopefully I lost weight because I don't want to let anybody down.... especially myself. =/

Sweet Dreams. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010


So I'm exhausted and I have to be up early tomorrow but like I said I'm going to write what I eat everyday in this blog.....
Breakfast- 3 eggs (1 whole egg, 2 egg whites) with 1 slice of fat free American cheese and 2 turkey sausage links w/ a bottle of water.
Lunch- whole wheat wrap with honey mustard, chicken and provolone cheese & tortilla chips (bought this at the caf at school) w/ a diet dr. pepper (I wanted green tea but they were all out!!) and a bottle of water.
Snack- Java Chip Frap w/ skim milk (I wanted to try the new Starbuck's on campus.... totally NOT work the calories!!!)
Dinner- muscle maker grill!!! I had a whole wheat wrap with grilled chicken, low fat cheeses, bbq sauce, low-fat balsamic vinagarette potato salad (I only ate half!) with a bottle of water.

Monday, September 20, 2010

High School...

The other day I was talking to my old friend from high school Ashley. She was talking about also making a blog, weighing in on Fridays and going on this journey as well. It's so great when my friends comment me and not only encourage me but also find the courage to start this healthy lifestyle with me! It makes me feel really great that people take the time to read what I write. It really does help me with this struggle. Alot of people don't understand how hard it is to lose weight. Especially with fast food being all around, and with my busy schedule it doesn't help either.

This blog entry is dedicated to Ashley for motivating me again. Not that I haven't been motivated, but lately I've been slacking and my stomach (not my head) got the best of me!! I cannot wait to look the way I did when I graduated high school. I want to lose MORE than what I weighed then, but getting to that point again will be phenomenal. 

Since I have been slacking, I need to be more focused and be more strick with myself. I need someone on top of me all the time to help me... I know that's sad right?! But honestly, it's the truth!! I am the little kid in the candy store!! So, I will be posting a new blog everyday and I will be writing what I eat during the day in the blog. EVERYTHING. Even if I cheat, I will be writing it, but hopefully since everybody will be reading it, that will pressure me not to cheat since I don't want to look like a fat ass!! Also, I will be going to the gym at least 5 days a week!

This is my schedule.... Monday - Friday I will go to the gym no matter what. I don't care if I'm at my mother's house in south jersey until 9pm on Monday night, OH WELL!!! I will be going to the gym!!! If I don't physically go to the gym, I plan on doing some sort of physical activity during the day, but one that will actually make me burn calories. 

Not only am I proving society wrong, but I have to prove myself wrong! I need to do this for myself. I NEED to keep focused. By next spring, I wanna look hot.... and feel great about myself!! I did it once, and I can do it again. I guess it all comes down to, how bad do I want it??


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Let's be serious!!

So today I start being serious again. I slacked off for a little bit but I'm back on track. Right now I am at school sitting in the cafe.... I would love to have some cheese fries right about now but I'm holding back... plus I'm broke! I have my lunch packed, and for lunch I'm going to have an egg salad sandwich. Ever since I talked to John about lunch ideas and I have been dying to have an egg salad sandwich lol. After school at 9pm Eddie and I will be driving to Bayonne to go to the gym, then home to have a turkey burger or something healthy for dinner. I'm not fucking up this week. 
I really need all the motivation I can get right now. I need to be pushed!! I just have to keep thinking about the little things and keep my goals in mind. By Christmas, I want to be at least 40 pounds down. I wanna prove everyone wrong, everyone who said I couldn't do it. I want all those people to kiss my ass when I lose this weight. I'm so ready for the future and I can't wait to reach my goal. For now though, my goal is to lose 10 pounds in TOTAL by next Friday/Saturday. I want to lose 10-20 pounds by October.... that would make me extremely happy. I'm so excited and I can't wait. I was so confident when I lost weight when I was a senior in HS that I shocked myself. I can't wait to hit this goal and don't doubt me, cuz I will. It will take a while, but I'm gonna look better than I do now and this will change my life, because I will have a healthy lifestyle. By then, I will be exercising regular and eating healthy proportioned meals. I'm so pumped right now!!!

For everyone who is trying to lose weight and gain a healthy lifestyle.... keep your head up and keep focused you all can do it!!! Like I said in my first blog, whether it's 10 more pounds or 100 pounds.... it CAN happen.... just do it. You'll be happier than you are now :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day.... IDK!

Okay so I've lost track of what day I am on this diet.... it's somewhere in the 3 week mark and I haven't been doing too great lately! I'm not going to lie.... I really need to get tough on myself and be serious. I WANT this but I've been doing bad, and I'm not going to make excuses.... No! Instead I'm going to go hard.... go hard in the gym.... go hard when preparing my meals. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not the only person going through this. I have to keep focused!!!!

School just started on Thursday, work is stressing me out since I have no hours, and I'm getting calls every 10 minutes from my past-due bills. Honestly, I'm kind of stressed out. This is NOT an excuse and in no way am I making this an excuse but when I am stressed I could care less about anything else and I eat. I don't know if that's totally it but I know I haven't been pushing myself. No matter how tired I am, not matter what I'm doing that day I should be exercising and I should be drinking my 4 water bottles and I should be eating HEALTHY!!! 

I just messaged John because I needed help trying to create fun, healthy but tasty lunch ideas. I used to LOVE lunch and hate breakfast and now its the complete opposite. Idk why but lately I have been getting disgusted by foods like meats and I think about it and then I can't eat it. I hate that! But the whining and complaining stops here! I don't care how "fat" I look, or how "dorky" I look..... I will be bringing my big Giants lunch bag with me to school. I  will pack 2 ice packs, some water bottles, sandwiches, salad, snacks whatever I need to have so that I won't cheat but I'll be eating healthy at the same time!

Okay, I could go on and on all night but honestly, I'm exhausted. 13 hours at Kean kicked my ass today lol.... but I promise I will write more often..... not only for people to read but for me to stay focused. I mean the point of writing this blog was for me to think about my weight loss journey everyday or every other day so that I would stay motivated and obviously it helps! So TaTa for now, but not for long :)

PeAcE & lOvE <3