
Monday, September 20, 2010

High School...

The other day I was talking to my old friend from high school Ashley. She was talking about also making a blog, weighing in on Fridays and going on this journey as well. It's so great when my friends comment me and not only encourage me but also find the courage to start this healthy lifestyle with me! It makes me feel really great that people take the time to read what I write. It really does help me with this struggle. Alot of people don't understand how hard it is to lose weight. Especially with fast food being all around, and with my busy schedule it doesn't help either.

This blog entry is dedicated to Ashley for motivating me again. Not that I haven't been motivated, but lately I've been slacking and my stomach (not my head) got the best of me!! I cannot wait to look the way I did when I graduated high school. I want to lose MORE than what I weighed then, but getting to that point again will be phenomenal. 

Since I have been slacking, I need to be more focused and be more strick with myself. I need someone on top of me all the time to help me... I know that's sad right?! But honestly, it's the truth!! I am the little kid in the candy store!! So, I will be posting a new blog everyday and I will be writing what I eat during the day in the blog. EVERYTHING. Even if I cheat, I will be writing it, but hopefully since everybody will be reading it, that will pressure me not to cheat since I don't want to look like a fat ass!! Also, I will be going to the gym at least 5 days a week!

This is my schedule.... Monday - Friday I will go to the gym no matter what. I don't care if I'm at my mother's house in south jersey until 9pm on Monday night, OH WELL!!! I will be going to the gym!!! If I don't physically go to the gym, I plan on doing some sort of physical activity during the day, but one that will actually make me burn calories. 

Not only am I proving society wrong, but I have to prove myself wrong! I need to do this for myself. I NEED to keep focused. By next spring, I wanna look hot.... and feel great about myself!! I did it once, and I can do it again. I guess it all comes down to, how bad do I want it??


1 comment:

  1. YOU GO GIRL! lol you really can do it, I know you can. My good friend once told me his: "Do", or "Do not"... there is no "Try". You are going to "DO!". When you are at the gym, feel free to text me and tell me how much it hurts. So I can text you back and say "FEEL THE BURN!!!!" =)

    Another piece of advice I have is to relax about it a little bit. If you are mentally putting so much pressure on yourself, this is going to be miserable and it will turn into an obsession instead of a lifestyle change. Look at it with a positive attitude. Working out will be hard at first, but later is will just feel normal. Just look at everything you do as a reward to your body and well-being, instead of as a punishment for being overweight.
